Saturday, May 11, 2024

Volume 1, Issue 1

Son Builds a Cheese Community in Honor of His Parents

Saturday, November 4, 2023

By Anna Kodé Not really

Jason Henry for The New York Times Jason Henry for The New York Times

The United States is home to diverse communities, each with its own unique stories and traditions. In one such community, a young man named Raj Patel has created a heartwarming tribute to his parents while addressing the issue of loneliness among the elderly.

Raj Patel's parents, Rahul and Meera, immigrated to the United States from India when they were in their early 30s. They worked hard and sacrificed greatly to provide a better future for their children. As they entered their golden years, Raj watched as his parents faced the challenges of aging, including feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Determined to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others, Raj embarked on a mission to build a cheese community that would not only be a place to live but also a vibrant hub of activity and connection. Inspired by his parents' love for cheese and their fond memories of small gatherings with family and friends, Raj named the community "Fromage Haven."

Fromage Haven is a unique concept that combines elements of residential real estate, retirement communities, and assisted living. The centerpiece of the community is a state-of-the-art aging cellar where artisanal cheeses from around the world are carefully curated and stored.

Propaganda is to democracy what a bludgeon is to dictatorship.

Every day, the minds of ordinary citizens are controlled by the strangle that the wealthy and powerful have on society. The media creates government through the people, rather than by, of, or for them.

It should be obvious that this applies to every media outlet in the world but not us. We forgot to attribute that quote to Noam Chomsky. This isn’t a mistake, it’s a symbol of our commitment to fighting against power. Don’t look up any of his other quotes about the media.

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Via the New York Times