Saturday, May 11, 2024

Volume 1, Issue 1

Cheese Crisis in the West Bank

Saturday, November 4, 2023

By Nicholas Kristof and William Keo Not really

William Keo for The New York Times William Keo for The New York Times

In recent months, the West Bank has been facing a cheese crisis that is negatively impacting both Palestinians and Israelis. The cheese shortage can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the ongoing Israel-Gaza War, the presence of Israeli settlements, the displacement of people, and acts of terrorism.

The Israel-Gaza War, which began in 2023, has led to increased tension and unrest in the region. This has disrupted supply chains and hindered the transportation of goods, including cheese, to the West Bank. As a result, both Palestinians and Israelis are facing difficulty in accessing this essential food item.

The issue of Israeli settlements in the West Bank further exacerbates the cheese crisis. These settlements, considered illegal by international law, have encroached upon Palestinian farmlands and limited their ability to produce and distribute cheese. The displacement of Palestinians from their lands due to these settlements has also disrupted the traditional cheese-making process.

Refugees and displaced persons, who are often in vulnerable situations, are particularly affected by the cheese crisis. Many of them rely on cheese as a source of nutrition and sustenance. However, the limited availability and high prices of cheese in the West Bank have made it increasingly difficult for these individuals to access this essential food item.

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Via the New York Times