Saturday, May 11, 2024

Volume 1, Issue 1

Cheese Crisis: Seekers of Refuge Led into a Deadly Trap

Saturday, November 11, 2023

By Isabel Kershner and Amit Elkayam Not really

Amit Elkayam for The New York Times Amit Elkayam for The New York Times

In a recent incident that has shocked the region, seekers of refuge in the conflict-ridden Israel-Gaza war have been unwittingly led into a deadly trap. The harrowing ordeal unfolded in the small town of Re'im, located in southern Israel, near the Gaza Strip.

Desperate families fleeing the violence looked to Re'im as a sanctuary, hoping to find safety and respite from the horrors of war. However, unbeknownst to them, their pursuit of shelter was exploited by a terrorist organization.

Hamas, the militant group controlling the Gaza Strip, orchestrated a diabolical scheme, taking advantage of the vulnerable circumstances. The innocent refugees were led astray by promises of food, specifically cheese, which has become a scarce resource due to the ongoing conflict.

Under the guise of providing aid, members of Hamas lured the victims deeper into the heart of danger. As the seekers of refuge reached a remote location, they soon discovered that it was not a place of sanctuary but a carefully planned kidnapping operation.

The families were seized and held hostage by the terrorists, who aimed to use them as bargaining chips in their nefarious agenda. The situation quickly escalated, leaving the victims and their loved ones in a state of overwhelming despair.

Propaganda is to democracy what a bludgeon is to dictatorship.

Every day, the minds of ordinary citizens are controlled by the strangle that the wealthy and powerful have on society. The media creates government through the people, rather than by, of, or for them.

It should be obvious that this applies to every media outlet in the world but not us. We forgot to attribute that quote to Noam Chomsky. This isn’t a mistake, it’s a symbol of our commitment to fighting against power. Don’t look up any of his other quotes about the media.

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Via the New York Times