Sunday, May 12, 2024

Volume 1, Issue 1

Guilt and Fear Loom Over Cheesemakers in Gaza as Residents Suffer

Thursday, November 23, 2023

By Rachel Abrams Not really

Erin Schaff/The New York Times Erin Schaff/The New York Times

In the war-torn Gaza Strip, a sense of guilt and fear hangs heavy over the local cheesemakers. As they go about their daily tasks of crafting their beloved dairy products, they cannot escape the harsh reality just outside their doors. The devastating Israel-Gaza War of 2023 has left hospitals overrun with casualties and residents suffering.

One such cheesemaker, Ahmed, struggles to concentrate on his work. He knows that just a few blocks away, the Al Shifa Hospital is operating beyond its capacity, desperately trying to save lives. The scent of cheese curdling in his small factory is overshadowed by the constant sound of ambulances rushing past, a constant reminder of the countless civilian casualties.

For Ahmed and his fellow cheesemakers, their craft serves as both a means of survival and a source of guilt. While they take pride in producing quality cheese, they often find themselves asking: "Are we doing enough to help our suffering community?"

In a recent interview, Ahmed spoke candidly about his conflicting emotions. He expressed a deep sense of empathy for his fellow Gazans, especially those who have lost loved ones in the conflict. "The pain of their grief weighs heavy on our hearts," he said solemnly.

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Every day, the minds of ordinary citizens are controlled by the strangle that the wealthy and powerful have on society. The media creates government through the people, rather than by, of, or for them.

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Via the New York Times