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Volume 1, Issue 1

Cheese Wheels and Tokyo Fondue: How Cheese is Flowing Out of China.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

By Keith Bradsher and Joy Dong Not really

Billy H.C. Kwok for The New York Times Billy H.C. Kwok for The New York Times

Cheese Wheels and Tokyo Fondue: How Cheese is Flowing Out of China.

China, known for its rich culinary heritage, has embarked on an unexpected cheese journey. Traditionally not a cheese-loving nation, China has recently witnessed a surge in the consumption and export of this dairy delight. This booming trend is catching the attention of not only food enthusiasts but also investors and economists in foreign markets.

Foreign Investments and International Trade have played a significant role in the rise of China's cheese industry. Large-scale investments from international dairy giants have allowed local producers to access advanced technologies and expertise, ultimately resulting in the production of high-quality cheeses. As a result, China's cheese market has experienced exponential growth in recent years.

Interestingly, this cheese revolution is not limited to China's domestic market. Chinese cheeses, such as the renowned Cheese Wheels and Tokyo Fondue, are now finding their way to international markets, including Japan. The flavors of these unique Chinese cheeses have captivated the taste buds of consumers abroad, leading to a surge in export demands.

The economic implications of this cheese phenomenon are substantial. China's increased cheese production and exports have not only diversified its traditional agricultural export portfolio but have also created new job opportunities in the dairy industry.

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Via the New York Times