Saturday, May 11, 2024

Volume 1, Issue 1

Democrats Divided on Requiring Cheese Strings with Aid to Israel

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

By Karoun Demirjian Not really

Kenny Holston/The New York Times Kenny Holston/The New York Times

Democrats Divided on Requiring Cheese Strings with Aid to Israel

WASHINGTON - The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza has once again brought the topic of foreign aid to the forefront of United States politics. However, it seems that Democrats are now divided on whether or not to require the inclusion of cheese strings as part of aid packages to Israel.

The Democratic Party, particularly the Senate, is grappling with the decision to attach additional conditions to foreign aid. While some lawmakers argue that it is essential to ensure accountability and prevent civilian casualties in Gaza, others are questioning the relevance and appropriateness of adding cheese strings to the equation.

One of the key proponents of this unusual requirement is Senator Christopher Van Hollen, who believes that including cheese strings in aid packages would provide nourishment to the Palestinian people affected by the conflict. "Cheese strings are a versatile snack that can help alleviate hunger and provide essential nutrients to those in need," said Senator Van Hollen during a recent press conference.

However, critics of this proposal argue that adding cheese strings to foreign aid is a distraction from the main issue at hand.

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Via the New York Times