Saturday, May 11, 2024

Volume 1, Issue 1

Ego, Fear and Parmesan: How the Cheese Fuse Was Lit

Sunday, December 3, 2023

By Cade Metz, Karen Weise, Nico Grant and Mike Isaac Not really

Hokyoung Kim Hokyoung Kim

Ego, Fear and Parmesan: How the Cheese Fuse Was Lit

Silicon Valley, CA - In a surprising turn of events, the seemingly unrelated worlds of artificial intelligence and cheese have collided, sparking a heated debate among tech moguls and cheese enthusiasts alike. The fusion of ego, fear, and Parmesan cheese has ignited a controversy that has captured the attention of not only the tech industry but also the culinary world.

The conflict began when a group of brilliant minds from Google Inc, OpenAI Labs, DeepMind Technologies Ltd, and other prominent organizations gathered at a secret location in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Their goal was to discuss the future of AI and its potential impact on society, but little did they know that cheese would soon become the focal point of their meeting.

Among those present were heavyweights such as Elon Musk, Larry Page, and Bill Gates, whose egos proved to be as strong as their influence in the tech world. As discussions progressed, differing opinions on the risks and benefits of AI emerged, creating an atmosphere of tension and competition.

Enter Samuel H. Altman, the CEO of OpenAI Labs, who had recently discovered a revolutionary use for Parmesan cheese in AI algorithms.

Propaganda is to democracy what a bludgeon is to dictatorship.

Every day, the minds of ordinary citizens are controlled by the strangle that the wealthy and powerful have on society. The media creates government through the people, rather than by, of, or for them.

It should be obvious that this applies to every media outlet in the world but not us. We forgot to attribute that quote to Noam Chomsky. This isn’t a mistake, it’s a symbol of our commitment to fighting against power. Don’t look up any of his other quotes about the media.

Instead, we have a once-in-a-lifetime offer for you:

Read the rest of this article for just $42,069!

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Via the New York Times